Government announcement: Building & Plumbing Commission

What has happened?

The Victorian Government has announced they will in 2025 legislate the integration of the Victorian Building Authority (VBA), Domestic Building Dispute Resolution Victoria (DBDRV) and VMIA’s Domestic Building Insurance (DBI) functions into a single entity.

This will create a single integrated building sector regulator bringing together the functions of licensing, compliance and discipline, dispute resolution and insurance.

For further information, please read the Minister for Planning’s announcement here.

I’ve made a DBI claim with VMIA – how will this affect me?

It is important to note that there will be no immediate changes to how we will manage your DBI claim.

All terms and conditions of existing VMIA-issued DBI policies will not change.

We will continue to manage all claims on DBI policies we’ve issued until the DBI function is transferred to the Building & Plumbing Commission, at which point all live claims will transfer to the Building & Plumbing Commission. There will be no disruption to your claim from this transfer.

We will continue to provide regular updates.

I have a VMIA DBI policy but I haven’t made a claim – how will this affect me?

It is important to note that all terms and conditions of existing VMIA-issued DBI policies will not change.

There will no changes to how DBI claims are lodged or managed in the short term.

We will continue to provide regular updates on the proposed Building & Plumbing Commission, but for now we can advise:

  • If you have a VMIA-issued DBI policy and need to make a claim before the Building & Plumbing Commission is established, you will need to make this claim with us.
  • When the Building & Plumbing Commission is established, all VMIA policies will automatically transfer to the Building & Plumbing Commission. This means that all claims made after this date must be made to the Building & Plumbing Commission, even if your DBI policy has VMIA branding.
  • New DBI policies that we issue after this announcement will continue to use VMIA’s current terms and conditions.
  • DBI Policy Verification will continue working after the transition to the integrated regulator, as will QR codes linking to DBI Policy Verification that exist on all VMIA DBI certificates issued since 30 April 2024.

For further information please call 1300 363 424.

I’m a builder – how will this affect me?

If you currently have eligibility with VMIA, there will be no immediate changes to how you purchase DBI policies or request changes to your level of eligibility. You will continue to purchase policies, and interact with your DBI Distributor, as you currently do. For further information, please contact your DBI Distributor.

If you don’t currently have eligibility with VMIA, you can apply for eligibility with VMIA through one of our DBI Distributors until our functions transfer to the Building & Plumbing Commission. Any applications still in progress at that time will transfer to the Building & Plumbing Commission.

For information on how this will affect your interactions with the Victorian Building Authority, please visit the VBA website.