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The content of this website is intended for informational purposes only. The Victorian Government shall in no event accept any liability for loss or damage suffered by any person or body due to information provided on this site or linked sites.

The information on the Victorian Government website is provided on the basis that persons accessing the website undertake responsibility for assessing the relevance and accuracy of its content.


Hyperlinks and pointers to websites operated by third parties will appear on VMIA's website from time to time. These website URLs will not contain the URL www.vmia.vic.gov.au and do not form part of VMIA and are not under its control. Unless the contrary is stated by VMIA, VMIA has no responsibility for the contents of any such hyperlinked website.

If you click on a link to any such website you leave VMIA and do so entirely at your own risk. VMIA makes no warranty about the truth, accuracy or completeness of the content on any third-party website linked to from this website, including without limitation the content of any messages in bulletin boards and forums hosted on those third party sites.  

VMIA may display third party advertisements or logos, which may or may not contain hyperlinks or referral buttons to websites operated by third parties. The display of such items (with or without hyperlinks) does not in any way imply any affiliation, recommendation or endorsement by VMIA of the relevant linked website or its contents, or the operator of any such linked website.

If you contact a third party using functionality provided on VMIA's website, including via e-mail, VMIA accepts no responsibility for any actions taken by that third party in response to your communication or for any transactions entered into between you and the relevant third party. 


Creative Commons logoThe Victorian Managed Insurance Authority encourages the dissemination and re-use of information provided on this website. The State of Victoria owns the copyright in all material produced by this agency.

Except for any logos, emblems and trademarks, all material provided on this website, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence, to the extent that it is protected by copyright. Authorship of this work must be attributed to the State of Victoria. To view a copy of this licence, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.


Material obtained from this website is to be attributed as:
© State of Victoria through the Victorian Managed Insurance Authority 2025.